General Loans

The National Development Bank (NDB) currently offers a range of Products and Services that can be tailor suited to you or your business(s) specific needs. NDB strives to offer Products at competitive rates with emphasis on providing affordable and sustainable finance to ordinary Papua New Guineans and the rural and urban entrepreneurs. NDB will continue to offer new products later including the Savings Products.


When applying for a loan, the following requirement are integral and MUST be provided to the bank at the time application is lodged.

  • Application details must be completed - Name, address, business history and banking details
  • 30% or more equity contribution and security is required for the proposal of all agriculture, commercial and industry loan applications
  • All assets pledged as security must be acceptable to the bank and valued by a reputable valuer or dealer. These assets must include documents confirming ownership with searches completed on the assets where appropriate. Eg. company searches, title searches, vehicle valuation etc.
  • General terms is two to five yearsfor agriculture and commercial loans and this will vary with the nature of the application. Any application requiring a longer term will be dealt with on a case by case
  • All loans must be adequately secured and inssurance cover taken so that the loan has 100% collateral cover. All collateral terms will be valued and insured at the applicants expense.

The bank will consider all applications that fall within the above guidelines.
For Prompt Consideration

Please ensure the following items are attended to and/or provided at the time of lodging your loan application;

  • Provide at least three years financial statements (Balance sheets, Profit and Loss Statement Budgets and Cashflow Forecasts with assumption) and where required Copies of Bank Statements. company applicants MUST provide TAX REturns for the last three years. Directors/Shareholders and individual applicants MUST provide a signed statement of Financial Position.
  • Provide up-to-date quotes and invoices where applicable for the purpose of the loan
  • Provide confirmation of Ownership of major assets. Eg. Copy of State Lease, Copy of vehicle registration, Copy of Investment Shares.
  • Outstanding Land rentals must be brought up-to-date and receipts provided. Motor Vehicles and other machineries offered as securitymust be valued by a dealer. Company applicants must have a current COMPANY SEARCH.

Lending Products

A Commercial Loan is any loan that includes the following;

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