About Us
National Development Bank
NDB is an agile institution that continues to improve on its present and moves with innovation and dynamism toward an even stronger future.
The National Development Bank's reputation as the people's bank remains as formidable as ever. Through consistant Government support, it builds up an increasing capacity to provide lending services that is affordable and accessible to a larger number of indigenous business sector. NDB maintains its strategic focus on its principal markets notably the agriculture sector consisting of the indigenous companies and the micro, small and medium sized enterprises. It's expanding institutional strengths; customer driven delivery mechanisms and value-added products and services hold the key to its successful business relationships with customers. Through strategic partnerships with the National Government and Provincial Governments, NDB is positioning for future growth and strategic expansion.
By looking ahead to help the indigenous business class get ahead and by continuous improvements in its strategic competence to better serve its principal markets and providing increased value in its product and service offerings. NDB moves on from strength to greater strength.
- Stimulates the starting and growth of PNG-owned businesses;
- Enables PNG-owned businesses to be competitive and sustainable in the medium term;
- Provides affordable access for indigenous people into business income generation activities and a savings culture.
The new logo is a national symbol of its meaningful existence that will make every Papua New Guinean proud of it.
The “golden hut” represents the new Corporate Values that every officer, staff and employee of the Bank will faithfully imbibe in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. The hut also resembles a sense of the ownership stake of every Papua New Guinea family and a trustworthy shield against economic perils. The white round milieu behind the hut represents a new beginning and bright future. While the green square background means the efficient use of the abundant resources that are made available for the benefit of NDB clients who are mostly marginalized rural farmers.